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Plantar warts, also known as Verruca Pedis are growths that appear on the feet (Typically the sole). They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) which infects the outer layer of skin. Plantar warts often develop in areas of pressure or friction, such as the heels or balls of the feet, and can be painful, especially when walking or standing.

Warts typically have a rough, grainy appearance with tiny black dots in the center, which are small blood vessels. Plantar warts may vary in size, ranging from a small, pea-sized growth to a larger, flat lesion.

Plantar warts are contagious and can spread through direct contact with the virus. They are more common in children and adolescents, although they can affect people of any age. 

There are many ways to treat warts, what is most important is to be consistent with treatment until they have fully resolved. Our clinics offer several treatment and surgical options for plantar warts listed below.


Swift Microwave Therapy:

Swift is an advanced and effective method to eliminate warts. Swift Therapy employs microwave technology to deliver precise and controlled energy to the affected area, stimulating the body's immune response and accelerating the natural healing process. This innovative approach is non-invasive, quick, and has shown high success rates in resolving stubborn warts.​


Laser Wart Treatment:
Laser Wart treatment includes the non-selective destruction of the epidermis, cauterizing tiny blood cells resulting in the absence of blood flow to the affected tissue. Eventually, the affected tissue without blood will fall off. This can usually be achieved in a single to very few treatments. Laser wart treatment can be done with or without the use of local anesthetic for patient comfort. Please contact us if you require any further information including costs.
Surgical Excision:

Surgical excision involves the complete removal of any present Verruca tissue. We freeze the affected area using a local anesthetic to ensure patient comfort. Any present wart tissue is removed leaving an open surgical site. A Chemical called Phenol is applied to the base of the excised wart, destroying any non-excised verruca tissue. The excised area is then treated until the foot fully heals and no evidence of a plantar wart remains.

For an excision to be successful all affected tissue must be removed, as such only certain patients will be a candidate for excision.


Surgical Needling:
Needling is a surgical procedure involving the repeated penetration of the base of the wart using a hollow needle. Following the freezing of the area using a local anesthetic, the wart is penetrated 100- 200 times with a small hollow needle. Needling causes the extensive destruction of keratinocytes and releases viral proteins into the subcutaneous tissue. This triggers a systematic immune response resulting in the resolution of not only the treated area but also satellite and distant warts. 
Salicylic Acid Treatment:
Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid that is commonly used in skincare products and over-the-counter wart treatments. It works by softening the outer layer of the skin, making it easier to remove dead skin cells and gradually eliminate the wart.
Salicylic acid is available in various forms, including gels, liquids, and adhesive pads. Our chiropodists prescribe a topical solution for at-home patient application. This in combination with regular check-ins and debridement of the overlaying callus is a great option for those looking for a more patient-directed treatment plan.

Cantharidin Treatment:
Cantharidin Treatments involve the application of a solution containing cantharidin; a blistering agent. Following the regular debridement of the overlaying callus, a small amount of the solution is applied directly to the wart bed. This causes the affected tissue to ‘lift’ away from the underlying tissue through blistering, the virus is contained within the blister, which is debrided at the following appointment. 
With multiple treatment options and constant investment into the newest technologies, Royal City Foot and Orthotic Clinic is equipped to handle all plantar wart cases! 
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